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Video - Which Trust is the Best Trust?

Need help with estate planning or creating a trust? Call me! 580.475.4535 or schedule an on the Contact Page. Disclaimer: As always this...

Selling Property? Read the Deed!

Make sure you read your deeds before signing. Otherwise, you could end up as a cautionary tale on a blog post too.

What is Probate?

Probate is the term used to describe the court proceedings which happen after a person dies. Technically, "probate" means to prove a will...

How to Avoid Probate Without a Trust

You often hear that the only way to avoid probate is to put everything in a trust. While that is one way to do it that isn't the best way...

Why do division orders matter?

You receive a division order and immediately sign it and throw it in the mail. Good plan? Probably not. Will it get you a check more...

What happens if I'm in a coma?

The favorite answer of attorneys: It depends. If you have a Durable Medical Power of Attorney and Advanced Directive for Healthcare then...

Do I need a Will?

Are you married? Do you have children? Do you have real estate? Do you have personal property (jewelry, bank account)? Do you have a...

What's a division order?

A division order is a document issued by a well operator or the company that is purchasing oil/gas from a well. A division order sets out...

Blog: Blog2
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