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Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas: Practices

Mineral Leases, Assignments, & Sales

If you own minerals or an oil and gas lease you likely have the right to produce those minerals. For most people drilling a well isn't economically feasible. For this reason, mineral owners give oil and gas leases. If you don't look at oil and gas leases, assignments, and  sales agreements daily the terms can be overwhelming and while you may be tempted to sign whatever an oil company sends you in order to receive payment quickly, that's typically not a good idea. Valerie can help with the following:

  • Negotiating oil and gas lease or sale terms, including bonus and royalty amounts

  • Drafting and reviewing oil and gas leases

  • Curing oil and gas title defects

  • Drafting and reviewing assignment of oil and gas leases

  • Drafting and reviewing mineral sale agreements

  • Closing lease, assignment, and sale transaction in our offices

Mineral Management

Many mineral owners today have inherited their rights. As a result, many owners don't have a complete understanding of what they own or what rights they have. We can provide you with the information you need to manage your minerals confidently including the following services: 

  • Reviewing title to determine ownership

  • Reviewing and modifying division orders

  • Reviewing and advising on documents from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission

  • Advising on the liabilities associated with mineral ownership and how to protect your other assets

Oil & Gas Litigation

Mineral owners and working interest owners often have conflicts with other owners or with the oil and gas companies that drill and operate wells. While we will always try to resolve the matter without resorting to the courts, our attorneys are ready to do so. We have, among other matters, handled the following: 

  • Quiet title lawsuits to resolve ownership disputes

  • Royalty payment and improper deduction lawsuits

  • Breach of lease and bonus repayment

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